Thursday, 16 January 2014

Joey atlas scam -The diagnosis of colorectal cancer examination

For these cases, there are two key tests: X-ray (radiographic plate called barium enema) and colonoscopy. Today colonoscopy is the most important for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer examination. In this procedure, a flexible tube is inserted into the rectum of the patient sedated.
 This method allows direct examination of the entire inner surface of the large intestine and larger or very small lesions are seen, and in the same act, may already be biopsied. Furthermore, les s designated as polyps, which are precursors to cancer can be respected by the colonoscopy, avoiding surgery and, more importantly, thus PREVENTING the onset of cancer. – If there are no symptoms, whom colonoscopy should be performed? People who have the symptoms mentioned, or the population at risk for asymptomatic colorectal cancer, i.e. in people above 50 years and those who have family in the case of large bowel cancer. In general, the risk of having cancer, not s O as the large intestine cancer in general, increases significantly with age.
 Over 50 years, the probability of having cancer increases with each decade that the individual reaches. - How is prevention? Should change the food habit, making a balanced and balanced diet Eat plenty of fiber, vegetables, fresh vegetables, cereals and fruits. Avoid smoked meats and roasted over coals. Furthermore, it is important to teach people to value the genetic aspects of cancer. The best method of prevention of colorectal cancer is to, in risk groups, and colonoscopy to remove the polyps that eventually there because you're preventing cancer. ? –

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